Hot-Reloading in Odin

Let's see how to hot-reload your game while you're developing it.

This will get you a minimal starting point to get a hot reloading game. Start here and adapt to your particular projects

What Is Hot Reloading? What I'm talking about in this article is setting up your game such that you can change your game code, recompile the game, and see those changes immediately in an already running game window! You no longer have to re-open the game and move your player back to the right location etc. Just change the code and see it live I come from the web dev world, and that type of functionality is typically called hot reloading. I assume there is a better word for it in the systems dev world. If so, let me know what it is.

There exists a "template" that someone has created which will get you all of this, plus additional stuff. If you're looking for code that's where you will want to go. Thanks to Karl Zylinski for that.


We will accomplish this by writing the game code as a library, and then manually link that library from our main executable.

When we recompile the library, the executable will detect the change and swap out the old library for the new one, but preserve the memory of the old. Then your newly compiled library will operate on the existing game state. Pretty cool.

The Code

I will show how to accomplish this in 3 parts. The build, the executable, and the game

The Build

It may be best to start with the compilation. This will show you the two main parts of your game in this paradigm

buildLib() {
    odin build game -build-mode:dll -out:/tmp/game.lib
    mv !$ game.lib
buildBin() {
    odin build main.odin -file

while getopts "bl" opt; do
    case $opt in
        b) buildBin ;;
        l) buildLib ;;

The game logic itself is built as a library using -build-mode:dll (dll stands for dynamically linked library. You can use several similar words instead. See `odin help build`)

./ -l

The executable is built by compiling the main.odin file

./ -b

note: if you are using one of the odin 'vendor' libraries like raylib or sdl2 you will need to manually link those in during the build step. Expand the following details for an example using raylib.

full with raylib
buildLib() {

    odin build game \
    -build-mode:dll \
    -out:/tmp/game.lib \
    -define:RAYLIB_SHARED=true \
    -extra-linker-flags:"-Wl,-rpath $(odin root)vendor/raylib/linux"

    # NOTE:
    # -define:RAYLIB_SHARE=true is how the reylib library itself knows it's being loaded in as a shared library
    # -extra-linker-flags:"..." is us manually linking teh raylib vendor library

    # create a temp file and then move it, because the odin build clears the
    # existing file at the start, thereby triggering our hot reload when it should not
    mv !$ game.lib


buildBin() {
    odin build main.odin -file

while getopts "bl" opt; do
    case $opt in
        b) buildBin ;;
        l) buildLib ;;

The Odin Code

The odin code has been split into two files. main contains the executable and the manually linking stuff (as well as the game loop). game contains the game logic in an update method that gets called every game loop, as well as other game api things.

Define the game API. Set of functions that the game will export. Run the game look, calling game.update() and game.draw() every frame. Handle allocator setup/tracking. Do the library linking.

Full main.odin file
package main

import "core:dynlib"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:c/libc"
import "core:os"
import "core:log"
import "core:mem"

when ODIN_OS == .Windows {
    DLL_EXT :: ".dll"
} else {
    DLL_EXT :: ".lib" //yes, this does seem to work on mac and linux :/

// We copy the game code because using it directly would lock it,
// which would prevent the compiler from writing to it.
copy_game :: proc(to: string) -> bool {
    if libc.system(fmt.ctprintf("cp game" + DLL_EXT + " {0}", to)) != 0 {
        fmt.printfln("Failed to copy game" + DLL_EXT + " to {0}", to)
        return false
    return true

Game_API :: struct {
    create: proc(),
    init: proc(),
    update: proc() -> bool,
    destroy: proc(keep_alive: bool),
    memory: proc() -> rawptr,
    memory_size: proc() -> int,
    hot_reload: proc(mem: rawptr),
    do_reset: proc() -> bool,
    modification_time: os.File_Time,
    api_version: int,

    _game_handle: dynlib.Library,

// load and unload come from karl zylinski
load_game_api :: proc(api_version: int) -> (api: Game_API, ok: bool) {
    mod_time, mod_time_error := os.last_write_time_by_name("game" + DLL_EXT)
    if mod_time_error != os.ERROR_NONE {
        fmt.printfln( "Failed getting last write time of game" + DLL_EXT + ", error code: {0}", mod_time_error)

    game_dll_name := fmt.tprintf("{0}game_{1}" + DLL_EXT, "./" when ODIN_OS != .Windows else "", api_version)
    copy_game(game_dll_name) or_return

    // passing in the return value &api
    _, ok = dynlib.initialize_symbols(&api, game_dll_name, "game_", "_game_handle")
    if !ok {
        fmt.printfln("Failed initializing symbols: {0}", dynlib.last_error())

    api.api_version = api_version
    api.modification_time = mod_time
    ok = true


unload_game_api :: proc(api: ^Game_API) {
    if api._game_handle != nil {
        if !dynlib.unload_library(api._game_handle) {
            fmt.printfln("Failed unloading _game_handle: {0}", dynlib.last_error())

    if os.remove(fmt.tprintf("game_{0}" + DLL_EXT, api.api_version)) != nil {
        fmt.printfln("Failed to remove game_{0}" + DLL_EXT + " copy", api.api_version)

main :: proc() {
    context.logger = log.create_console_logger()"starting...")

    // setup allocators, so we can warn about memory leaks
    default_allocator := context.allocator
    tracking_allocator: mem.Tracking_Allocator
    mem.tracking_allocator_init(&tracking_allocator, default_allocator)
    context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&tracking_allocator)"allocators ready")

    check_allocator :: proc(a: ^mem.Tracking_Allocator) -> (err: bool) {
        for _, value in a.allocation_map {
            log.warn(value.size, "bytes leaked at", value.location)
            err = true

    // INIT
    game_api, ok := load_game_api(0)
    defer unload_game_api(&game_api)"game api:", ok)
    if !ok {
        log.error("Failed to load initial game api")

    defer game_api.destroy(false)

    rendition := 1
    still_running := true

    for still_running {
        still_running = game_api.update()

        file_time, _ := os.last_write_time_by_name("game" + DLL_EXT)

        // HARD reset when user asks us to
        if game_api.do_reset() {
            rendition += 1

            new_game_api, game_ok := load_game_api(rendition)
            if game_ok {

                //clean up the old game
                //init the new game
                game_api = new_game_api


        // HOT RELOAD when the file changes
        // reload the game with the new library, but exisitng memory
        if game_api.modification_time != file_time {
            rendition += 1

            new_game_api, game_ok := load_game_api(rendition)
            if game_ok {
                //HARD reset if actual memory struct change
                if size_of(game_api.memory()) != size_of(new_game_api.memory()) {

          "memory change. reseting")
                    //clean up the old game
                    //init the new game
                    game_api = new_game_api

                } else {

                    //clean up the old game
                    preserved_memory := game_api.memory()

                    //continue running on the new game
                    game_api = new_game_api


        //clean up all our memory
        if len(tracking_allocator.bad_free_array) > 0 {
            for b in tracking_allocator.bad_free_array {
                log.errorf("Bad free at: %v", b.location)
            panic("Bad free detected")



// some sort of GPU flags
NvOptimusEnablement: u32 = 1
AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance: i32 = 1

First, we define an API that the dll will provide. The main executable will use these functions to run the game. This API is what gets swapped out during the hot_reload magic. A new implementation is loaded in and handed the memory from the already running game!

Game_API :: struct {
    create: proc(),
    update: proc() -> bool,
    do_reset: proc() -> bool,
    destroy: proc(keep_alive: bool),
    memory: proc() -> rawptr,
    hot_reload: proc(mem: rawptr),
    _library: dynlib.Library,

//in the main proc
for game_api.update() {

Then, in the game loop we check for the need to reload the game. We will reload in a couple different scenarios.

  1. if the game library is recompiled
  2. when you specifically request it in game
for game_api.update() {
    file_time, _ := os.last_write_time_by_name("game.lib")

    //explicitly asked for a hard reset (e.g. F6)
    if game_api.do_reset() {
        new_game := load_game_api()
        game_api = new_game_api

    //HOT reload becase the game has been updated
    if game_api.modifiction_time != file_time {
        new_game := load_game_api()
        preserved_memory := game_api.memory()
        game_api = new_game_api

        //pass the existing memory in to the new impl

Note that this code has been simplified to communicate the intent more clearly. See the full file above, at the start of this section

The load_game_api() reads the library from the new game.lib file, then uses dynlib to initialize it as a library. This was taken from the immensely useful " template" from Karl Zylinski

load_game_api :: proc(api_version: int) -> (api: Game_API, ok: bool) {
    mod_time, mod_time_error := os.last_write_time_by_name("game" + DLL_EXT)
    if mod_time_error != os.ERROR_NONE {
        fmt.printfln( "Failed getting last write time of game" + DLL_EXT + ", error code: {0}", mod_time_error)

    game_dll_name := fmt.tprintf("{0}game_{1}" + DLL_EXT, "./" when ODIN_OS != .Windows else "", api_version)
    copy_game(game_dll_name) or_return

    _, ok = dynlib.initialize_symbols(&api, game_dll_name, "game_", "_library")
    if !ok {
        fmt.printfln("Failed initializing symbols: {0}", dynlib.last_error())

    api.api_version = api_version
    api.modification_time = mod_time
    ok = true


Implement the game logic, in update and implement the game api functions.

Note that these functions start with game_ becuase the of dynlib call happening in main: initialize_symbols(_, _, "game_", _)

struct GameMemory { ... }

update :: proc() {
    //implement your normal game logic here!

game_update :: proc() -> bool {
    return !rl.WindowShouldClose()

game_init :: proc() {
    S = new(Game_Memory)
    S^ = Game_Memory { }

game_destroy :: proc(keep_alive: bool) {

game_memory :: proc() -> rawptr {
    return S

game_hot_reload :: proc(mem: rawptr) {
    S = (^Game_Memory)(mem)

//etc. implement game_api

There are a lot of details left out. See the full file above for a full example.

That's all there is to it! Use this and adapt it to your needs. It is a simple starting place for any game.

If you have questions or comments feel free to hit me up X.

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